To Foreigners
Basics of our political program
We give self-government to those public professions that do not need politics:
- Courts: judges will vote for the Supreme Court members (not the parliament as since 1990)
- Prosecutors vote for the chief prosecutor
- State media – employees vote for the state media head
- Treasury Audit Office – employees vote for the head – (not ministry, or government or other politicians)
- Tax Supervisor Institution – employees vote for the head
- Customs Office – employees vote for the head
- Police officers vote for the head of the Police Department
- Media Supervision Institution – the previous 7 institutions’ employees together appoint the leadership of the Media Supervision Institution – so it is a common appointment
- Constitutional Court: leaders of previous institutions mentioned above (1-8.) commonly appoint the Constitutional Court members
- Healthcare department – employees vote the head of the healthcare department
- State cultural institutions – together they vote for their common leadership
- Prisons department – employees vote the head
- State Social Service – state social service vote for their common leader
- Consumer Protection department (they are the productions supervisors) – employees vote for their head
- Labour Office Supervisors – employees vote for their head
- Environment Administration – employees vote for the head
- Trade Competition Office – employees vote for the head
- Supervisors of Financial Organisations – employees vote for the head
- Central Bank – employees vote for the head
- Central Statistics Office – employees vote for the head
- State Post Office – employees vote for the head
- Education sector – employees vote for their head(s)
- Fire service – employees vote for their head
- Ambulance service – employees vote for their head
- The National Election Office (it has the responsibility about the fair elections) – Members of the 24 previous mentioned institutions (1-24) vote for the head of National Election Office
What corrupt people like? They like keeping secrets. What corrupt people hate? They hate publicity. Good example is, in Sweden they accepted a law about publicity in the public sector. It means almost every state action is public. Every state institution has a public room, where you can see every money payed or received by government official. If you go to the prime minister’s office, you can read the Swedish prime minister’s letters before her/him. There is strict control over the state-working and over the state-budget. They accepted that law around 1800 and it is still in force now. This practice cracks down corruption and this is cheap solution.
Another Step Against Corruption – The Legal Aspect
The highest corruption risk positions are: government, members of parliament (MPs), police-customs-tax officers, judges, prosecutors etc. If their property becomes more, than their salaries can afford, they have to show evidences that property was bought legally. If they can not show, they are fired and go to prison. So have to change the evidence way: not the authority have to show evidence about property growing is illegal, they have to show evidence it was legal (new luxury car, new luxury house, big bank account, luxury travelling ect.).
They are arranged before a court to explain how they bought the property. If they fail to explain then they are prosecuted and jailed.
Modernisation of the State Administration
In 1980-1990 the most improved countries started mechanizing the state administration with computers, so the citizens can do everything on the internet. It is cheaper and faster. In the attempt to stop corruption, idea is that, someone can give bribe to a bureaucrat ↔ but can not give bribe to a computer/to a server.
So the administration computerisation cracked down the corruption on the bureaucrat’s level in the public sector.
Good example is: in New Zealand, Canada, USA, Denmark and Sweden. They have the most modern state administration in the world. They have good computer programs in the internet administration. Any country can adopt such a computerised to cracked down the corruption.
In the North European countries the workers get a lot of times payment, more than the workers in Africa. As reported in Forbes Magazine, Denmark is the best country to do business in the world. Why the Danish people get that much payment? Why is it good to invest in Denmark? The reasons are: i) The publicity in the state has helped crack down the corruption. ii) The Danish public sector is one of the most computerized administration. iii) The rich in the society pay most taxes to help lift up the poor to the middle class. That is why Denmark is one of the most stable and most secure country in the world. That is why the investors love it and the workers can expect high salary.
Corruption in the Business Sector: Bank Regulation
- The bank sector takes the risk and reaps the high profit. A lot of times they enter into too much risky business. The publicity is useful in the bank sector too. Every bank have to show, how many loan they give and what kind of companies get it. Only the name/availability of the company are secret to the public but every other data have to be public.
- Before 2008 the financial sector was corrupt in Iceland. In Iceland in 2008 every bank went bankrupt, except one. This one bank managed by 3 female managers every other bank had male managers. The female managers normally do not like the high risk and the conflicts, that is why in every risky sector female heads are mostly needed. The bank sector is problematic, risky sector, so it needs 100% woman leaders in the highest management. At the middle and lower management 50% of woman leadership is needed.
Why are Germany, Sweden and NATO panicking?
Russia threatens former Soviet states. Furthermore, in 2008 the Russians attacked Georgia and in 2014 Ukraine. Why is this causing panic in Sweden and Germany? According to international research, Russia spends about $ 61 billion a year on armaments. This is a lot of money compared to the military spending of the small Baltic countries. France, for example, spends $ 52 billion a year on armaments, barely $ 9 billion less than Russia’s military spending. Germany spends about $ 48 billion a year on the military. France and Germany together are spending $ 100 billion on armaments, far outpacing Russia’s military spending.
Plus Britain has a $ 49 billion military budget a year and Italy has a $ 27 billion budget (if we look at only the most populous European countries, the largest NATO members in Europe).
Together, the 4 major European countries spend $ 176 billion, while Russia spends $ 61 billion.
Let’s look at the population: 144 million people live in Russia (Crimea + 2 million people). Until then, Germany has a population of 83 million, France 67 million, which together is 150 million, which is already several million more than Russia. Furthermore, Britain is 67 million and Italy is 59 million. Together, the four European countries account for 267 million people, while Russia has only 144 million people.
The financial situation of the 4 European countries is also classically better than that of Russia. On the other hand, in Russia, Putin’s dictatorship is weak, close to the fall, with Russian opposition organizing protests across the country. In comparison, from Sweden to Norway, from Germany to Poland, the whole of Europe is panicking about the Russian threat. You can see that there is no realistic reason for this. Then why do politicians show that they are panicking? There are two explanations for this: I.) Politicians are unable to assess the situation. – As they are surrounded by security apparatus of tens of thousands, this can be ruled out as an explanation. II.) The military industry, that is, the private arms companies, pay bribes to politicians in panic countries: Norway, Sweden and Germany are the most irrational panicists. These politicians are pouring money into the military industry.
Idea only for Africa

What could we spend the money on if we want real security around us?
- In Ukraine, to install surveillance cameras on the streets, thereby strengthening public safety. On the other hand, train Ukrainian police investigators in financial investigations, thereby helping them block the finances of Russian separatists, in the fight against organized crime and political corruption.
- Currently, UN peacekeeping missions have a budget of $ 9 billion globally, while the UN has 13 major peacekeeping missions around the world. In many cases, the UN does not have the money for its own peacekeepers to buy modern vehicles, UN has no money to install surveillance cameras in problem areas, they have no money for significant solar investments, to have enough electricity in problem countries (for example, to operate cameras, turn on electricity, start industrial production for local contractors).
- Where there are UN operations, there would be a need for roads and canals, schools and teacher training. In healthcare, to acquire the necessary equipment for one-day surgeries and to train doctors and nurses.
If developed countries did not panic and waste their money, we could spend on peace in the world.
Our political program in historical context
If you are here to understand the essence of our policy, the basics, we recommend a book that covers the period from 1945 to 2021. An exciting book about the Cold War and the events that followed.
English and Hungarian versions of this book are available.